Wednesday, March 26, 2008

renditions(18)-An interpretation of a musical score or a dramatic piece

gypsum(19)-common mineral, hydrated calcium sulfate, CaSO4·2H2O

The way the flame leaped out of the red coated tip with a pop and a hiss.(15)- This is personification, the flame leaps again.

Mom hurried out to the yard and started digging holes by the light of the moon.(17) This is imagery because it shows how dark it is outside. and using the term moonlight makes it seem like what they are doing is very sly and they are probably running form some cops.

We moved around like nomads.(19)- A simile comparing to her family traveling to nomads.

" A few days later Mom and Dad brought me home, I cooked myself some hot dogs.....and no one else was there to fix them for me."(15) This is an important quote because it receals a trait about Jeanetee Walls; bravery.

A theme that continues to emerge is self sufficiency.

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