Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"Even though her face was melted, she was still my favorite toy."(16) This qute makes me think about how people only become judgemental when they grow older. Younger kids can make best friends with anybody as long as they are nice. They don't care about race or religion. Maybe I am analyzing this too much but this sentence made me think about why people judge others the way they do. I'm not afraid to admit it. I judge others before I know them, and I know that it's a horrible thing to do. Everyone deserves a first impression before they can pass judgement on a person. I think that the values that we hold close and even the standards we hold for ourselves we hold for others. Wow she really needs to work on her appearance. Maybe they were in a rush and were working hard on a project. Maybe they have a big time stressor in thier life at the moment. You can't see someone's view if you don't know the facts. I think that society today has us trying to to leap over a constantly raising bar. Not everyone one makes it first time trying. In fact most need more than two chances. I think that what makes the person is how they handle the criticism, the judgement. How they can pick themselves back up after running headlong into society's expectations. No one person is better than another. No one has the right to pass judgement on others.

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