Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Post A

sluice(24)-an artificial channel for conducting water

addled(27)-mentally confused; muddled

" we were sort of like cactus. We'd eat irregularily and when we did, we'd gorge ourselves."(22)- This is a simile because it compares people to cactus using the word like.

"she was mute and bald as an egg."(27)- This is a simile because it is comparing a new born to an egg.

"'and then he screamed like a wounded animal."'(28)- this is a simile because it compares the crys of a human to that of a different species.

"Everybody said Dad was a genius. He could build or fix anything."(22) This quoute is significant because it contribues to a new emerging theme of children looking up to thier parents.

Theme: children view thier parents as role models.

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