Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Post A

arroyos(22)- small steep-sided watercourse or gulch with a nearly flat floor

saguaros(22)-a tall, horizontally branched cactus

"the way the sunset looked like a sheet of fire."(21)- This is a simile because it compares a sunset to fire.

"the overwhelming emptiness and severity of all that open land that had once been an ocean bed."(21)- this is imagery because it forces the reader to think about the past and present condition of the land and to imagine the complete opposites.

"but since we always went barefoot, our soles were as thick as cowhides."(21)- this is a simile because it compares the soles of fett to cowhide using the word as.

"She said it was god for you to drink unpruified water, as long as animals were drinking from it."(21)- This quoute supports the most common theme in this book; self sufficiency.

Theme: parents are raising thier children in a way that teaches them how to raise themselves.

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