Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Post A

gestapo(34)-the German state secret police during the Nazi regime

flophouse(33)-a cheap, run-down hotel or rooming house

"A wind had come up and it was rolling dust along the road."(30)- Personification: gives wind the ability to roll dust.

"It was dripping like a broken faucet."(31)- Simile: Compares a bleeding nose to a broken faucet using the word like.

"When I tried to imitate thier walk, Brian said I looked like an ostrich."(32)- This is a simile because it compares jeanette's walk to that of an ostrich using thw word like.

"I pulled away from him.......'Damn Honey. You busted your snot locker pretty good.' I started laughing."(31) This quote shows how strong of a relationship Jeanette shares with her father.

Theme: The bond between Jeanette and her father is unbreakable.

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