Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Post B

"And, as sometimes happens with such acquired personality traits, each successive year saw a deepening of the quality in him.."(55) I think it is amazing how some people will seem like a particular way in their personality. Like annoying, or impatient, or even determined. Over time these qualities in one's personality can develop and shine even further ontu one's personality, or it can fade. Either way expierence will be the cause of these changes. That is why when people get older they start to change. They have had the chance to change. People learn really do learn from expierence. It is the ones who use that expierence to change for the better, that creates a brighter glow of one's personality traits. They learn what are attractive qualities, and what qualities that create alienment. If people learn that when they are more willing to do things, they will be invited to more, and various kinds of outings. Or if they complain, and demand to have thier way, one could possibly learn how this creates tension among relationships, and will eventually be ignored. If one chooses to ignore this lesson, it will continue to worsen as they get older. So I think that it is an amazing thing when people learn from their past mistakes, and are able to grow/transform in a positive way because of them. All it takes is that one expierence , and people will become more aware of thier personality. I hope that I will be able to realize when I make a mistake, and be able to change my behavior, at least before I get too old.

Post A

frisson-a sudden, passing sensation of excitement
banns-notice of an intended marriage

a silent laughing breeze- this is personification. Gives wind the ability to laugh.

And so it was, as John's sun rose, mine went into a slight slope of decline.- This is imagery, paints the idea of how opposite these two people were.

eyes glued to the stage- This is imagery, shows how attentive people were.

"It was good to know, whatever passed between us, there was no one for him to tell; there was no one who would ever know"(51) this is an important qoute because it gives the reader a strong sense of spooky foreshadowing.

A theme continuing to emerge is foreshadowing, as described in qoutes like the one above.

Post B

"When was the last time you moved to meet a hand..?" This was one of the brief, and harsh reponses that Chance wood sent Emma Smith. As harsh as it may sound, it is a question that we could all find time to reflect upon. There are many outgoing people in the world, but there are also a lot of shy people as well. I think that when we finally move to meet the hand first, that is what separates the shy from the outgoing. Why do some take the risk, while others stand back and wait for the hand to meet them? How is it that some dive right in, while the rest of us are content with only our toes dipped in the water? I think that it takes the right motivation. Maybe one's friend will do something, and it will work out in their favor, so that gives one the confidence to reach out and take the first step. But what if one doesn't have friends to provide one with that kind of motivation? Is friends and the support of one's family contribute to being shy or outgoing? Having self-confidence definately contributes to this factor. Friends have a big impact on self-confidence. So then this means that depending oh how well one gets treated by family and friends affects the shy versus active factor. Or the fact that if one has any friends at all. So then this also means that if one is offered a hand by an outgoing person, one is likely reach out and take it. Or at least when they are young. The younger people are, the more they tend not to judge others, or jump to conclusions. She looks fun, why don't I ask her to be my friend, whether than why is she talking to me? I don't like her. If only the world could stay young.

Post A

insidious-intended to entrap
avert-to turn away

"I had begun to feel as unsettled by it as a bug realizing a two-legged creature.... staring it down nonetheless"-simile because it uses the word as to compare.

"when my own meager project was a mere dwarf next to the giant of his career"-This is personification, giving projects the ability to have height.

"As I tried to strike the right note in my response...loud in my ear were John's words..."-This is a metaphor. It compares music to words without using like or as.

"..But for a wife to hide from her husband seemed incorrect to me somehow."(45) I thought this quote was significant because I think that in a way it describes how some beliefs, old and new, never change as years pass.

A theme that is apparent in this book, is a theme of husband and wife being seen as one in society.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Post B

(37)"'And, of course, his words did carry great weight: the victim's brother sympathizing with her killer."'Emma's husband John, is talking about the reason her pen pal Chance wood was put into jail. He was said to have killed his wife. At the trial the victim's brother was not at all anfry towards his sister's killer. It didn't seem like she was a very well liked person. If her own flesh and blood wasn't mournful about her death, and her life partner was her killer, she was probably hated by society in general. I know that some families will disown/alienate other family members if they commit a heinous crime. However, I get the feeling that this woman was more of an annoyance, than a criminal. I know I have people who drive me crazy, but I wouldn't ever take a knife to them. I also believe that maybe Chance should have taken the time to get to know his wife better. If she was really that annoying couldn't he have just divorced her, so maybe Chance had a secret and she must have found out? I also think that if you have a life partner, shouldn't one know about secrets this big then? In that case, Maybe Mrs. Wood should have taken the time to get to know her husband a little bit better. I know we all have secrets we keep from one another, but this type of secret sounds too big, not to include one's spouse in it, or at least let them know about it. This also sounds like an act of stupidity on both Mr. and Mrs. Wood's part. They shouldn't have rushed things. Who knows? Maybe she would have been able to be alive in the book.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Post B

Besmirching(33)-to stain, sully
accrue(33)-to happen or result as a natural growth

(36)".. prisoners,who were seen as having been dangerous, as Hamlet had been mad."_ This is a simile because it is comparing criminals to Hamlet using the word as between them.

(36)"... seeing her in her guileless cornflower eyes."- This is a metaphor because it is comparing the color of somone's eyes to cornflower.

(43)"Scotland was a beautifully moody country..."-This is personification, beacuse it is giving a country the ability to change moods. In a way it does this with seasons.

(33) "'..You do realize, don't you, that as the wife of a respected novelist--not to mention the daughter of a well-respected gentleman-- it is your duty to avoid any appearance of impropriety?"' This is significant because it shows that during this time period not only were husbands judged, but so were their wives on whether or not the men fit into society.

A theme of prejudice towards women continues to emerge. It seems they treat women more as trophies than actual people.

Post B

‘“It has come to your father’s attention,’ said Louisa, ‘that you have taken up a rather irregular correspondence. It does not please him and he wishes you to stop.’”(32) This quote is portraying a strong example of how men control women in this time period. Women are seen as possessions in the late 1800s. Society has come a long ways since that. Women can hold jobs now and they also have the power to vote. Which may not seem like a big deal to some people, but this allows one to be able to contribute their thoughts to the government. Either by voting for future leaders or for new laws. In the 1800s women weren’t allowed to do a lot of things. If they did something that was considered improper, it would not only affect their family’s reputation, but also their husband’s reputation. So what does this mean? It means that society was incredibly critical of women. I know that if I had someone watching, judging my every move, I would get incredibly stressed. Women must have had to deal with a lot more stress of appearances, then we have to today. Yes we are all judged at times. But by the sounds of it, trophy wives are judged a whole lot more on their behavior in public, then we are today. Women probably didn’t have the stress relief techniques we have today either. No massages or yoga classes. So I think that women have it a lot easier today. I am glad I don’t have to live in that century.

Post A

genial(32)-pleasantly cheerful; cordial
Discourse(26)-communication of thought by words

(29) "He moved into the room like a dark cloud.- this is a simile because it compares the way a man walks to a cloud using the word like.

(31) "A gentle countenance belying the steeliness within the soft and powdered exterior."- when the author uses gentle and steeliness I believe that it is a metaphor because they are two unlike things used to describe the same person.

(32)"Louisa held on to her china cup with iron hands."- This is a metaphor because it is comparing flesh to skin.

"...once I married John, my husband became the son my father never had."(32) This sentence gives the reader an insight into how much more sons were valued than daughters.

An emerging theme in the book is that men have the power to control thier wives and daughters. This book is developing a prejudiced theme against women.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Post B

"Let Mr.Wood be a blank slate to me then. Let me judge him for himself."(p.22) This qoute shows that Emma is trying not to be judgemental. This is a hard thing for most people to do. We tend to pay attention to what others' think. Mr.Wood is in jail, because it is rumored that he killed his wife. As a new Years' resolution, Emma is trying to become a better person. Her husband John suggested she do this by writing to someone in jail. Someone who doesn't get many visitors and would probably like to feel that someone still cares about what happens to them. Emma feels that this will fill her New Years' resolution. I would think that it would be extremely difficult not to judge somone based on the fact that they are in jail. Even if they didn't commit a crime, they were convicted of being guilty. That kind of person is guilty of being stupid. If they truly didn't do it, I believe they could find a way to prove the truth. I think Emma has already filled her resloution af being a better person, just by not judging Mr.Wood based on the fact he is in prison. Emma is already a better person than most of the world. If everyone could have a resolution like this, prejudice wouldn't exist. Unfortunately this is a fiction book, and we live in the real world.

Post A

aubergine(p.7)-dark purplish color.

guileless(p.9)-Sincere, honest.

Personification- With a wasp-thin waist.... Saying that wasps have features similar to humans such as that they have waists.

Metaphor-Her guileless blue eyes wide under blond feather brows.... Compares her eyebrows to feathers.

Personification- the warm glow of the gas fireplace almost like another presence...... The fireplace is giving off heat like another person would with thier body heat.

"Despite the lightness of the instrument, it felt somehow heavy there, peculiarly both liberating and dangerous at the same time."(p.16) Emma is describing a pen her husband gave her to write letters to an inmate in prison.

A theme that is appearing in the book is suspicion/foreshadowing, many qoutes about when Emma is talking about writing letters to inmate give off a sense of danger.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"Do you love your little sister?" asks Aunty Rena. I love Olivia more than anything else I can think of but I say, "Not really."
Later on in the same chapter Olivia drowns in a small pond. Bobo feels terrible about the death of her younger sister. She feels that she was responsible for both the beginning and ending of Olivia's life. Olivia was just a few years old, and Bobo had already developed a strong relationship with her little sister. Some people don't ever develop strong love for their siblings. For Bobo to have created such a relationship at an early age affected her greatly. When Olivia died, Alexandra describes her life as two parts. Happy and sad. The happy time was when Olivia was alive, and the sad was when her little sister was dead. I think that if Bobo had told her sister that she loved her, or at least given her a hug, she might have felt less guilty about Olivia's death. Even though her sister is only a few years old, and like all toddlers who have trouble understanding what people tell her, I think she would have sensed that Bobo cares for her. One should always share their true opinions, or feelings at the appropriate time. Once you say something, you can never take it back. Everyone will remember your original comment, and that is the one that matters. Sometimes when you mean to say something but you blurt out something different, it is most likely what you were first thinking. If you mess up on your words, it can reveal your attempts at trying to cover up your original thought. Why do people hide their thoughts and feelings? It could be that they are embarrassed of their opinion. People have a tendency to judge others in life. If they think that your opinion is wrong, one will start to not speak out or try and hide what they are thinking. One will try to say the most common opinion so that they won't be judged by others. Being able to speak one's opinion is what separates the leaders from the followers. If one trie to learn not to care what others think so much about them, one can enjoy life care free and happy.

Post A

escarpment-clifflike ridge of land, rock, ect.

deadpan-impassive or expressionless

resigned-submissive or acquiescent

appeal-"We can't trust anyone anymore. Not even white men."
This is an emotional appeal because when they say they can't trust anyone anymore, not even thier own race, it shows how much tension there is in the war in Africa.

Appeal-"Now the war has grown calmly violent, secret, earnest." When she uses the words calmly and violent together it creates a disturbing thought. The words are complete opposites.

appeal-[...] "the water is full of her last breaths." This is an appeal because there is personification in the sentence. It allows water to hold possesion of someone's life.

Qoute-"I was the one who prayed her into life that day with the missionaries. Now it is my fault she was dead."At a young age Bobo develops strong feelings towards her younger sibling. Some people don't develop these feeling until they have known thier siblings for a few years. Bobo feels that she was responsible for Olivia's life and death. To feel that kind of pressure at a young age will surely affect you when you become an adult.

Theme- Death was the main theme in this book. Alexandra had to deal with the death of her younger sister, and the continuation of the mourn for her brother, by the mom.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Post B

¨My sister and I both have big lips. Tackie lips is what the other children call them.[...] I wouldn´t mind getting my lips chopped off, or at least down a size or two[...] I wouldn´t be teased by the other children.¨ People from different cultures have similar features. Like in Germany, people have blue eyes, and have beautiful pale skin. In Korea, the people have higher cheekbones and slanted eyes. The point is that people have different kinds of beauty. Some may not see it as beauty, but rather as a difference. In this quote Alexandra is feeling self-conscience of her lips. The other African children are teasing her, and consequently Bobo wants to change the way she looks. When people point out features of another and make a remark in favor of disgust rather than beauty, most will do anything to change the way one looks. Alexandra wants to cut her lips off, rather than ignore the children, and believe her feature is beautiful. It isn´t easy to ignore those types of comments, especially when it comes from people one has to see daily. In this chapter Bobo´s mom tries to tell her that to have full lips is a good thing She tells Bobo that a famous French actress named Brigitte Bardot has full lips, and everyone thinks she is beautiful. Bobo ignores this because Bardot is in France and not in Africa where she is being made fun of for having full lips. When one moves to another culture, where people have similar features as one another, but not similar to the one that has moved, it is sometimes difficult to feel like one fits in. Due to all the prejudices in the world no one person can completely fit into another culture besides their own. It isn´t always that it is the other culture that looks down upon you for joining them, but rather outside cultures who judge you based on the fact you aren´t with your similar racial culture. There are people who believe that everyone should look alike, and if not, they should be sent away(Hitler). If everyone in the world looked alike there would be no such thing as individuality, which in my opinion makes a person very attractive. It gives them another quality that no one else has. I believe that you can never see the same thing twice. One might see a pair of twins, but they would have different personalities or interests. You might visit a lake one year, but if you visit it the same time next year, leaves will have shifted, or there may be new animals that have moved in, ect. One should learn to enjoy this quality thats separates us from the rest of the world. If we ourselves can´t learn to enjoy, then who can? I have grown to love the people around me for their unique qualities. Each one provides me with something that I can´t find in another person. Whether they are a person I dislike, or one of my closest friends, they make my life interesting. They show me that if they can accept their own unique quality, then so can I. I owe it to them to make their life more interesting. The saying goes as followed, beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

post A

epaulets-A shoulder ornament, especially a fringed strap worn on military uniforms
titillated-to excite or arouse agreeably
bandy-a bend or crook outward; bowed

appeal:¨the damp-dead sound of the haevy flesh hitting the ground.¨ the words damp-dead are used to describe the bodies of people who have been killed by ground bombs. The disturbing part is that she uses the word damp, as in they are always covered in blood when they die.

appeal-¨which just goes to show, all prayers aren´t answered.¨ In this qoute, Bobo was talking about how some people walk over land mines and get their legs blown off. Some however, walk away injury free. She talks about how some of those people who get lucky should be dead instead, that they don´t deserve to live.

Qoute:¨An unnatural sway of thigh-deep grass on a still day.¨Alexandra uses this sentence to describe how untrustworthy some people can be. There are Africans hiding in the grass, in the land she is passing through. They are spying on the family as they drive through the field, having high suspisicion towards any white strangers.

Theme: A theme that is becoming more apparent in this memoir, is a theme of war. In the couple of chapters I read recently, there was a lot of talk and different views on war. There are more descriptions of the people and thier actions that help the reader to paint a more vivid picture

Friday, October 12, 2007

Lit. Review

The movie “The 400 Blows” is a worthwhile sick time movie. It isn’t something I would see on a movie night, but it had its strong points. This movie has strong characters which are interesting to watch, but it does however, have a somewhat weak plot. The characters portrayed great body language. The film was effective in respect to being able to see Truffaut’s life through Antoine’s acting. This film evoked empathy, as one is led to feel sorry for Antoine.
Like literature, this movie also includes characters, setting, theme, point-of-view, and a plot. This movie was easy to follow even though; it was a French foreign film. I was able to follow the plot in this movie by reading the subtitles. A plot in a book or movie doesn’t make sense without any themes; this movie had a theme of friendship. Setting is described in a book, while in a movie you visualize what the setting is first hand. The point of view in a book is told in first person, second person, or third person. The point of view in a movie is usually in first person. The camera focused on Antoine for the majority of the movie, as a way of telling the audience it is a first person’s point of view. Also if you want to have a good audience, for either a movie or a book, one has to have a compelling plot.
Some dramatic aspects that made “The 400 Blows” interesting to watch were the actors, lighting, and the set design. The characters had strong reactions to one another. As soon as Rene appeared on the screen with Antoine, one was able to tell that these two had a friendship that would last through anything. When Antoine ran away from home Rene offered him a place to stay at his uncle’s printer building, and then later he offered Antoine to come live at his house. Rene also tried to visit Antoine at reform school, which seemed to be out in the middle of nowhere. So Rene would have had to bike a long ways to visit Antoine. This black and white movie used lighting in an effective way to portray emotions. Whenever Antoine was with his friend Rene the lighting in the scene was bright. When he was at home and unhappy the lighting was dark. The set design showed the family’s cramped living arrangements, which was a main factor in creating stress in the household.
The angle of camera shots, and the duration of those shots were strong cinematic aspects in this particular film. When Antoine was in his room, listening to his parents yell, and then hearing them discuss about whether or not Antoine should go to a military academy, the camera zoomed in solely on his face to show a look of concern. When Antoine ran away from his reform academy and the camera duration of his run was long, this showed how determined he was to escape form the school, and also how long it took him to finally get away. In the middle of the movie, when the gym class was running outside and the camera was at a bird’s eye view, it could show all of the children sneaking away form the class, which provided humor in the film.
“The 400 blows”, and “Black boy” had many things in common and in contrast. Some similarities include, both of the main characters were young boys who grew up in turbulent families. In “Black Boy” the father abandoned his family, and in “400 Blows” the parents gave up their parenting rights to the government. Another similarity is how both Antoine and Richard enjoyed reading and writing. Antoine admired the French author Balzac, and Richard enjoyed reading all kinds of literature he could find. One difference between these two characters is that Richard really didn’t have any good friends, while Antoine had his friend Rene offer him a place to live in his time of need. Another difference between the movie and the book, is the way the main characters reacted towards authority. Richard would rebel and do as he pleases, and in contrast, Antoine would have no reaction at all. He would let the adults yell at him, and continue his behavior as the way it was before.
I would recommend this movie others, only if they enjoy black and white, foreign films. This film had little humor in it, which made it slightly dull. There was a string theme of friendship present in this movie, along with strong characters, and a clear setting. The movie was easy to follow, yet boring.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Post B

In pages 25-50 Bobo describes the death of her older brother that she never got to meet. Her borther Adrian died when he was just a baby. He was blonde with blue eyes just like Bobo's older sister Vanessa. Bobo has black hair and green eyes. In the novel Bobo tells about how her mother and father, with these two babies made the picture perfect family. When Adrian died that ideal picture disappeared, and instead a black- haired, green eyed baby was born to take his place. I think the way Bobo describes this blonde, blue- eyed family as being the picture perfect family, reveals her feelings of guilt and shame. She feels she ruined this picture her mother dreamed of, and is ashamed to take the place of her mother's beautiful baby boy, because she feels she can never really make up for the loss of her son. Her mother constantly talks of Adrian when she is drinking, and seeing as how she drinks throughout the entire novel so far, she must talk of Adrian often. I don't think the mother sees how much pain and guilt she is causing her daughter to feel. It is selfish and rude for her to treat her daughter this way. She may have lost a baby boy, but she gained another daughter that she should show as much compassion if not more, than she showed for her deceased child. The father isn't drinking, and blurting out things that could hurt his daughters' feelings, instead he has moved on, and is enjoying the children he has now. I realize that I have never lost a child, and I can imagine it is very painful to go through. I hope I never have to go through a loss of that kind. If I did though, and had other children, I would cherish the ones I had even more and be grateful that they are alive and well.

Post A

undulating-to move with a sinuous or wave like motion

subsequent-occurring or coming later

perilously- hazardous or dangerous

They are fighting for the land in which they have put their seed,their sweat, their hopes.
In this quote the word fighting and hopes stick out, because sometimes the only thing a person has left is the ability to hope.

Survivors of the collapsed caves were executed as soon as they crawled out of thier ready-made tombs. The words ready-made tomb describe a desperate fate that can't be changed. People are doomed to their death no matter how hard they try to escape from it.

Cold, blond ash. This is used when Bobo is describing her brother when he was a baby and he died from meningitis. The words blond ash are particularily strong because it is almost like the words are comparing death to life. Blonde is used to describe him when he was alive and ash is used to describe his appearence when he is dead.

Qoute: "But the end is always the same. Adrian is dead. That's an awful ending no matter what she's been is drinking." The mother of the author is usually intoxicated in the story. Often times when she is drunk she talks about her dead son Adrian, who died when he was just a baby. The mother may alter the story of his death, but the at the end of her drunken tales, Adrian is dead. Bobo may not realize it, but this qoute shows that she does understand her mother's pain, and may also see one of the reasons for her mother's excessive drinking. To lose a child, something that is of your own flesh and blood, is incredibly painful. It is like losing a part of oneself.

Theme: The theme death is starting to emerge in Alexandria's memoir. She narrates the life her mother had before Alexandria was born, and when she had to suffer through the death of her baby boy. There is an African curse stated in this memoir that says if you bury your dead baby properly, he/she will come back to haunt you, and each one of your newborns thereafter will die shortly after birth. Bobo was concerned she would be a death baby because her brother was buried in a cemetary without a tombstone back in England. They now live in Africa and Bobo's concern for being a death baby conveys her feelings of death.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Post B

Dear Bobo,

The plot of your memoir is making more sense to me and is more interesting. You describe things in such detail. I know I criticized you about this before, but I now find the exacting details make your story more vivid. It seems to me that you lived in a hard place to grow up. Living in Africa in a time of war that is in Zimbabwe, must have taken its toll on you one way or another. You did mention before though that you lived in England. So I have to ask, Why did your family choose to move from England to Africa? I can understand moving to another country, but you moved to a whole different continent. Switching topics, I haven't heard anything about you having relationships with other children yet. Do you have any friends that are African or are you racist like your father. He seems to have an impact on you, considering he is the one who provides you with cigarettes. Since he is clearly racist. He uses the term bloody and adds on a slang term of another race as demonstrated on page fifteen, "bloody indians." I am curious to know if his prejudice of other races affected you as a child or if you ignored it and made friends with all types of people. You mentioned that you go to school. Does your sister go to school as well? You have mentioned her only once at the beginning of the novel and she didn't seem to have any significance on your life. Was she left at home while the rest of the family drove you to school? It doesn't really make sense to me. Anyways I like the way your memoir is turning out. It is showing strong themes of racism and disrespect, which makes the book easier to understand.


Post A

Sired-Father or forefather.

Placate- to appease or pacify.

Bemused- To bewilder or confuse.

"We call the black women 'nannies' and the black men 'boys.'"(26) The way Europeans classify the African-Americans is demeaning. Black women aren't mean't to just be mothers, and the black men mature just as much, if not more than the European men. This story takes place in Africa, so for the white people to be showing prejudice in a mostly black populated state, shows how arrogant and snobbish people can be.

"[...] would pump the fighting blood of the young men." She uses the words fighting and blood in the same sentence. It seems like she is implying that fighting a is human instinct. We are all natural born fighters.

"The land is still unblinking[...] it will absorb white man's blood and the blood of African men[...] it doesn't care." When she talks about the land unblinking, it feels like a metaphor that is comparing the land and human greed. Some people will do anything to achieve the desired goal. Whether it is more land, or more power. Even if it means sacrificing the lives of others.

"the white men came. They said, 'What name do you give this place?'
'Kadoma,' they said. [...] means, 'Does not Thunder or Make Noise'. The white men call that place Gatooma. 'And what name do you give this place?'
'Ikwelo,' they said.[...] means 'Steep Sides of the Riverbank'. The white men called that place Gwelo.'" In this qoute, the white men are pictured badly. They don't respect the names of African cities. They change them to their liking, and in a way this demonstrates how disrespectful different races can be towards one another.

Theme: There is plainly a theme of racisim towards both white and blacks. I think that there is a theme of arrogance and disrepect as well in this novel. This could be viewed being the same as racism, however I feel this theme is directed to all humans in general. The black men often talk trash about the white people, and the white people seem to think they are superior to other races and can change the names of cities at thier wim.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Post 2

Dear Bobo,

I was slightly confused about your memoir at the beginning. There were some details that I didn't care to hear and felt like they were pointless in the plot. For instance on page five where you are talking about the loo, "We debate the merits of flushing the loo[...]." You spent basically the whole page describing the toilet. I don't think that helps draw the reader in, or even help develop the plot to the story. I understand that was your way of telling the reader you didn't have very much money, but I still think there are other ways to describe your poor lifestyle without grossing out the reader. I did however like the way you described mom when she is intoxicated. I found it humorous and rather entertaining. Usually when you read about stories where one of the adults is constantly drinking, it tends to lead to the abuse of a child. It is really depressing to hear these kind of stories, especially when they are non-fiction. So I found this a nice change of pace. Sometimes when I am reading your memoir I feel almost angry about your life. As funny as it is that your mom was a ditz when she drank, I pity you because your mother's poor behavior forced you to grow up at a young age. No parent should ever make their child have to miss out on enjoying childhood. Your father was no help to this cause either, due to his support of you smoking. Actually it wasn't that he supported you smoking, it was more that he didn't care if you became addicted, and he would supply you with cigarettes. Anyways those are my thoughts on the book so far. I hope that your life progesses in the right direction.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Blog 1

contortion(5)/contort: To twist, wrench, or bend severely out of shape.

stimuli(10): something that incites to quickens action, feeling, or thought.

Appeals: "My God, I am the wrong color."(10) In this quote Alexandra feels she needs to have different colored skin. She is a white female growing up in an African American society where only her family is white. The kids at school are picking on her for being white. This quote provokes a disturbed feeling in that no matter what color you are, anywhere in the world, if you look different you stand out.

"I say, 'I'm African.' But not black. And I say, 'I was born in England,' by mistake."(10) It sounds like she is almost ashamed to say she is born in England. One should have pride in thier country no matter where they are from. This qoute also shows that she doesn't quite know what race to say she is. When most people think African they think black, Alexandra is trying to include where she is living now as part of her race without saying false information about her ethnicticty.

'"You hated England," I point out.[...] 'But I love Scotland.' [...] Mum hates Scotland."'(11) This goes back to the issue of being proud of the country you are born in. Mum is proud that she is from Scotland even though her daughter says she hates England. This sends mixed feelings towards the reader. Who should we believe? The five year old daughter or the drunk mother?

"The way I stand out against the khaki bush like a marshmallow to a gook with a gun. White. African. White-African."(10) Alex doesn't feel like she fits in with the rest of her African society. In her mind she feels that she doesn't belong to this community because of her white skin. I like the way she compared it to the war her dad is currently fighting in. She may also show concern for her dad in this qoute because she may feel he will stand out with his white skin.

One of the themes in this book is confusion. Alexandra is confused on how to describe her ethnicticity. She can't decide if she is white or black. She wants to say she is African American because she lives in Africa with other black societies, yet her skin color is white because she is from England. This creates confusion about her race.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I created my blog. Hopefully this works. I never go on my computer.