Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Post B

"When was the last time you moved to meet a hand..?" This was one of the brief, and harsh reponses that Chance wood sent Emma Smith. As harsh as it may sound, it is a question that we could all find time to reflect upon. There are many outgoing people in the world, but there are also a lot of shy people as well. I think that when we finally move to meet the hand first, that is what separates the shy from the outgoing. Why do some take the risk, while others stand back and wait for the hand to meet them? How is it that some dive right in, while the rest of us are content with only our toes dipped in the water? I think that it takes the right motivation. Maybe one's friend will do something, and it will work out in their favor, so that gives one the confidence to reach out and take the first step. But what if one doesn't have friends to provide one with that kind of motivation? Is friends and the support of one's family contribute to being shy or outgoing? Having self-confidence definately contributes to this factor. Friends have a big impact on self-confidence. So then this means that depending oh how well one gets treated by family and friends affects the shy versus active factor. Or the fact that if one has any friends at all. So then this also means that if one is offered a hand by an outgoing person, one is likely reach out and take it. Or at least when they are young. The younger people are, the more they tend not to judge others, or jump to conclusions. She looks fun, why don't I ask her to be my friend, whether than why is she talking to me? I don't like her. If only the world could stay young.

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