Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Post A

undulating-to move with a sinuous or wave like motion

subsequent-occurring or coming later

perilously- hazardous or dangerous

They are fighting for the land in which they have put their seed,their sweat, their hopes.
In this quote the word fighting and hopes stick out, because sometimes the only thing a person has left is the ability to hope.

Survivors of the collapsed caves were executed as soon as they crawled out of thier ready-made tombs. The words ready-made tomb describe a desperate fate that can't be changed. People are doomed to their death no matter how hard they try to escape from it.

Cold, blond ash. This is used when Bobo is describing her brother when he was a baby and he died from meningitis. The words blond ash are particularily strong because it is almost like the words are comparing death to life. Blonde is used to describe him when he was alive and ash is used to describe his appearence when he is dead.

Qoute: "But the end is always the same. Adrian is dead. That's an awful ending no matter what she's been is drinking." The mother of the author is usually intoxicated in the story. Often times when she is drunk she talks about her dead son Adrian, who died when he was just a baby. The mother may alter the story of his death, but the at the end of her drunken tales, Adrian is dead. Bobo may not realize it, but this qoute shows that she does understand her mother's pain, and may also see one of the reasons for her mother's excessive drinking. To lose a child, something that is of your own flesh and blood, is incredibly painful. It is like losing a part of oneself.

Theme: The theme death is starting to emerge in Alexandria's memoir. She narrates the life her mother had before Alexandria was born, and when she had to suffer through the death of her baby boy. There is an African curse stated in this memoir that says if you bury your dead baby properly, he/she will come back to haunt you, and each one of your newborns thereafter will die shortly after birth. Bobo was concerned she would be a death baby because her brother was buried in a cemetary without a tombstone back in England. They now live in Africa and Bobo's concern for being a death baby conveys her feelings of death.

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