Tuesday, October 16, 2007

post A

epaulets-A shoulder ornament, especially a fringed strap worn on military uniforms
titillated-to excite or arouse agreeably
bandy-a bend or crook outward; bowed

appeal:¨the damp-dead sound of the haevy flesh hitting the ground.¨ the words damp-dead are used to describe the bodies of people who have been killed by ground bombs. The disturbing part is that she uses the word damp, as in they are always covered in blood when they die.

appeal-¨which just goes to show, all prayers aren´t answered.¨ In this qoute, Bobo was talking about how some people walk over land mines and get their legs blown off. Some however, walk away injury free. She talks about how some of those people who get lucky should be dead instead, that they don´t deserve to live.

Qoute:¨An unnatural sway of thigh-deep grass on a still day.¨Alexandra uses this sentence to describe how untrustworthy some people can be. There are Africans hiding in the grass, in the land she is passing through. They are spying on the family as they drive through the field, having high suspisicion towards any white strangers.

Theme: A theme that is becoming more apparent in this memoir, is a theme of war. In the couple of chapters I read recently, there was a lot of talk and different views on war. There are more descriptions of the people and thier actions that help the reader to paint a more vivid picture

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