Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Post A

aubergine(p.7)-dark purplish color.

guileless(p.9)-Sincere, honest.

Personification- With a wasp-thin waist.... Saying that wasps have features similar to humans such as that they have waists.

Metaphor-Her guileless blue eyes wide under blond feather brows.... Compares her eyebrows to feathers.

Personification- the warm glow of the gas fireplace almost like another presence...... The fireplace is giving off heat like another person would with thier body heat.

"Despite the lightness of the instrument, it felt somehow heavy there, peculiarly both liberating and dangerous at the same time."(p.16) Emma is describing a pen her husband gave her to write letters to an inmate in prison.

A theme that is appearing in the book is suspicion/foreshadowing, many qoutes about when Emma is talking about writing letters to inmate give off a sense of danger.

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