Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Post B

Dear Bobo,

The plot of your memoir is making more sense to me and is more interesting. You describe things in such detail. I know I criticized you about this before, but I now find the exacting details make your story more vivid. It seems to me that you lived in a hard place to grow up. Living in Africa in a time of war that is in Zimbabwe, must have taken its toll on you one way or another. You did mention before though that you lived in England. So I have to ask, Why did your family choose to move from England to Africa? I can understand moving to another country, but you moved to a whole different continent. Switching topics, I haven't heard anything about you having relationships with other children yet. Do you have any friends that are African or are you racist like your father. He seems to have an impact on you, considering he is the one who provides you with cigarettes. Since he is clearly racist. He uses the term bloody and adds on a slang term of another race as demonstrated on page fifteen, "bloody indians." I am curious to know if his prejudice of other races affected you as a child or if you ignored it and made friends with all types of people. You mentioned that you go to school. Does your sister go to school as well? You have mentioned her only once at the beginning of the novel and she didn't seem to have any significance on your life. Was she left at home while the rest of the family drove you to school? It doesn't really make sense to me. Anyways I like the way your memoir is turning out. It is showing strong themes of racism and disrespect, which makes the book easier to understand.


1 comment:

edinacaitlin said...

Hmm LG I'm glad that your book is "looking up" because before you ended with "Dissappointed" and now you are at least "Content."
