Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Post A

escarpment-clifflike ridge of land, rock, ect.

deadpan-impassive or expressionless

resigned-submissive or acquiescent

appeal-"We can't trust anyone anymore. Not even white men."
This is an emotional appeal because when they say they can't trust anyone anymore, not even thier own race, it shows how much tension there is in the war in Africa.

Appeal-"Now the war has grown calmly violent, secret, earnest." When she uses the words calmly and violent together it creates a disturbing thought. The words are complete opposites.

appeal-[...] "the water is full of her last breaths." This is an appeal because there is personification in the sentence. It allows water to hold possesion of someone's life.

Qoute-"I was the one who prayed her into life that day with the missionaries. Now it is my fault she was dead."At a young age Bobo develops strong feelings towards her younger sibling. Some people don't develop these feeling until they have known thier siblings for a few years. Bobo feels that she was responsible for Olivia's life and death. To feel that kind of pressure at a young age will surely affect you when you become an adult.

Theme- Death was the main theme in this book. Alexandra had to deal with the death of her younger sister, and the continuation of the mourn for her brother, by the mom.

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