Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Post B

In pages 25-50 Bobo describes the death of her older brother that she never got to meet. Her borther Adrian died when he was just a baby. He was blonde with blue eyes just like Bobo's older sister Vanessa. Bobo has black hair and green eyes. In the novel Bobo tells about how her mother and father, with these two babies made the picture perfect family. When Adrian died that ideal picture disappeared, and instead a black- haired, green eyed baby was born to take his place. I think the way Bobo describes this blonde, blue- eyed family as being the picture perfect family, reveals her feelings of guilt and shame. She feels she ruined this picture her mother dreamed of, and is ashamed to take the place of her mother's beautiful baby boy, because she feels she can never really make up for the loss of her son. Her mother constantly talks of Adrian when she is drinking, and seeing as how she drinks throughout the entire novel so far, she must talk of Adrian often. I don't think the mother sees how much pain and guilt she is causing her daughter to feel. It is selfish and rude for her to treat her daughter this way. She may have lost a baby boy, but she gained another daughter that she should show as much compassion if not more, than she showed for her deceased child. The father isn't drinking, and blurting out things that could hurt his daughters' feelings, instead he has moved on, and is enjoying the children he has now. I realize that I have never lost a child, and I can imagine it is very painful to go through. I hope I never have to go through a loss of that kind. If I did though, and had other children, I would cherish the ones I had even more and be grateful that they are alive and well.


edinacaitlin said...

Even though you'd love and cherish the living children, I think it'd be very hard to let go and move on... ;] good blog LG

edinacaitlin said...

i think im like the only one who comments on ur blog..