Monday, January 7, 2008

Post B


You are opening up to this character so much that you are falling for him. You even said that you were repulsed with your husband. This is not good, it will only end up backfiring in your face. You were content with your husband before you started conversing with this random stranger. You should have taken more time to get to know your husband. What will happen if this man turns against you and John finds out about how close you two truly are? You will have no one to turn to. Society already looks down upon women as trophies. But I feel that what you and John have is unique. I question your behavior, why would you risk something that one can rarely find, for a few measly letters. Why not spend more time with John to develop the same kind of attraction as you already have with Chance? It wouldn't hurt to try. John deserves a chance to make it up to you, even though he didn't do anything to harm the relationship.

I geuss that all people's mentalities vary greatly. I know that no one person has the same ideas and thoughts as another, but still I didn't think that people could be that careless of other's feelings. My question is that do they even stop to think what they are doing? Or do they just hope they don't end up landing on thier face? Wouldn't they want they want someone to think about what they do if it affects them? Makes the world interesting.

Post A

Sardonic(73)-bitter or scornful.
sickle(75)-a tool for cutting grain.

"...different from my husband's, was like a sun shining down on the only cat left in the worl."(74)-This is a simile comparing her husband's attenticeness to her to the sun using the word like.

"...declaring the day too humid for clear thought."(79)- This is imagery because it hives the reader a sense of how truly hot it is.

"... one tired gray eye."(83)-This is personification because it gives eye the ability to have the characteristic of being tired.

"love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark."

I felt that this quote was important because it shows how willing the characters are to open to each other, even if it is a poem.

A theme that goes along with judgement of people also goes along with the need to be able to confide wholly in at least one person.

Post B

Dear Emma,

How is it that you continue to be persistent in helping this man when all he gives you is a few words for your one paragraph letter. I understand that you are trying to become a better person but there comes a time when one should try a different option. I am not saying that you should give up on writing to prisoners, rather that you should try writing to a different prisoner. They might enjoy your letters more than Chance does. It seems to me that he is leading you on in a bad way. Rather than telling you or even suggesting topics to converse about, he lets you guess and tells you whether or not it is a suitable topic. The only somewhat deep answer he gave you is to be yourself. To me that sounds really creepy, seeing as how he has never met you, and was sent to prison for killing his wife. He may want more than a pen pal relationship and even if he isn't guilty for killing his wife, there was a reason that man was arrested. In his trial that John told you, there were more people rooting for him, rather than his dead wife. To me, that kind of behavior is not normal in an inappropriate kind of way. And you said that you feel safe talking to him because he is behind bars and can do nothing to you. What happens when he gets out? Or if he escapes? He would come looking for you. I don't understand why you aren't as comfortable talking to your husband as you are with Chance. Chance is a complete stranger and if you open up too much.... Well it can't be good.


Post A

baize(62)-a soft, usually green, woolen or cotton fabric.
altruistic(70)-to be devoted to the welfare of others.

"...another woman may have taken those three words, lined them up as they appeared on the page, and divined a second meaning from the constellation of them."-By comparing the alignment to constellations. Therefore I consider this a metaphor.

"Paul had conquered his New Year's demon as well."-This is personification because it is giving a new year's resloution the characteristics of a demon.

"...uncomfortable scrutiny, one that made me feel like one of the brightlycolored insects he collected..."- This is a simile because it is comparing a human to a fish using the word like.

"I suppose that, having had the disadvantage of Louisa's indifferent care in my youth, I did not want to expose Weston to the same."(67) This is a significant qoute because it describes how judgmental people were even back 100 years ago. How human thinking in terms of grudges hasn't changed.

A theme continuing to portray itself is prejudice, only these few chapters were how people can be prejudiced against own family members.